Finish the Line!

Finish The Line!

Extending Metro's K Line to Mid City,
WeHo, & Hollywood

Extending Metro's K Line to Mid City,
West Hollywood, & Hollywood

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Metro is studying underground rail options through West Hollywood, Mid City and Hollywood and will choose between three routes for the K Line Northern Extension this fall. They are accepting public comments on their Draft Environmental Impact Report until September 5 to inform that final decision.

The City of West Hollywood and a regional coalition working to get this project built in our lifetimes support the San Vicente-Fairfax Alternative. Only the San Vicente-Fairfax route would serve all the top destinations and job centers along the way.

Let Metro know if you agree and share any questions or comments before it’s too late!

This is the most impactful so please plan to join us if you can.
Click on the date to add your calendar!

  1. Saturday, August 10th, 10 am - 12 pm 
    Dorsey High School, 3537 Farmdale Avenue (served by the Metro Farmdale E Line Station)  
  2. Tuesday, August 13th, 6 pm - 8 pm  
    Pan Pacific Park Recreation Center, 7600 Beverly Blvd (served by Metro Bus 14 and 217) 
  3. Thursday, August 15th, 12pm to 1:30pm
    Virtual meeting via Zoom

    All Metro meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. Spanish translation will be provided. Russian translation available at the Pan Pacific Park meeting only.


Can’t make it to a hearing? No worries! We’ll collect comments from likeminded people across the region and submit a package of comments to Metro on your behalf. Just fill out our comment form here. 

Prefer to send an individual comment? We got you. We have a sample email here to get you started but don’t forget to customize your response with your name, neighborhood, and any personal reasons for your support or other issues Metro should consider!


Do you represent an organization or community group? Consider sending a support letter collectively on your organization's letterhead. Feel free to use our sample support letter to get you started and customize it as you see fit. 

Thank you for your engagement, and let’s

Why support the Fairfax-San Vicente alternative?

Why do we support the San Vicente-Fairfax route? Check out our video or read on. Note the K Line is referred to by the project’s previous name (Crenshaw/LAX Line) in the video. You can also find the video if you scoll to the bottom of the page.

The Fairfax-San Vicente Alternative would... 

  • Expand access to more jobs (three times more jobs are located in walking distance to the San Vicente alterative compared to the La Brea alternative)

  • Serve more residents (six times more residents are located in walking distance to the San Vicente alterative compared to the La Brea alternative)

  • Provide access to some of the most popular and iconic destinations in the region, from the Grove and the historic Farmer’s Market to WeHo’s Rainbow District and LACMA in Museum Row

  • Expand access to critical healthcare resources with easy access to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 

  • Check out our fact sheets on the project and the San Vicente-Fairfax route for even more details! 
Explore the Metro K Line Stations Proposed for WeHo

Metro is planning new rail service to WeHo, Mid City, and Hollywood with the Northern Extension of the recently constructed K Line (Crenshaw/LAX). Depending on the route selected, WeHo could be served by up to four stations! Click on the icons below to explore each proposed station, what’s nearby, where you could get from there, and how much time you could save!


  1. La Cienega / Beverly
    Design District, Cedars-Sinai, The Beverly Center
  2. Santa Monica / San Vicente
    Pacific Design Center & WeHo Nightlife
  3. Santa Monica / Fairfax
    WeHo Center City
City's Role

We’re working to bring Metro rail to Mid City, West Hollywood, and Hollywood with the Northern Extension of the under-construction Metro K Line/LAX Line (aka "K Line North").

K Line North is a Metro project, but the City of West Hollywood is working to inform residents and stakeholders about the project and how to get involved in Metro’s process as they work to determine how it’s designed and who and what it connects to.

This microsite is part of that public awareness effort. The City is also working with our partners to line up funding to build the line ahead of schedule and studying how best to integrate rail service into the WeHo community.

Explore this site to find out more about everything from project benefits and proposed stations to travel time savings and the funding plan or visit for more information on the overall project!

The Funding Plan

We heard you! West Hollywood residents overwhelmingly support bringing Metro rail to WeHo but Metro’s funding is too limited to finish the line and it isn’t available until 2041. We’re working on a plan to close the funding gap and build Crenshaw North decades ahead of schedule—without raising taxes. Click on the link below to find out more.

See More
Which Route Do You Prefer?

Metro is currently evaluating which of the three remaining alternative routes the project will take. The Santa Monica/San Vicente, Santa Monica/Fairfax, and La Cienega/Beverly stations would only be included in the project if Metro selects the San Vicente Alignment. If you want Metro to include this station email them at or sign up for one of the mailing lists below to find out about upcoming opportunities to weigh in during Metro’s process!


Email Metro
Stay Connected

Sign up for email updates for periodic newsletters with information on project milestones, opportunities for public input, and how you can get involved in Metro's process! Live in WeHo? Select "West Hollywood Advocates for Metro Rail (WHAM)" for more local content. Otherwise, select the "All on Board Coalition" for more regional content. Thanks and let"s #FinishTheLine!