We're a coalition of organizations from across the region advocating for the San Vicente-Fairfax route for Metro's K Line North project. With an investment of this scale, we can't afford more missed opportunities. The San Vicente-Fairfax route serves far more job and population centers as well as all the major destinations in this corridor, including critical healthcare services and regional cultural resources. Let's connect the dots, NOT bypass them! Signup below to let Metro know if you agree.
Metro is considering three routes for the K Line North project, but only one would serve all major destinations along the corridor while serving three times as many jobs and six times as many residents compared to the La Brea route. The organizations above are members of the All on Board Coalition that have signaled their support for the San Vicente-Fairfax route.
This route has seen overwhelming public support throughout Metro’s previous Feasibility and Alternatives Analysis Studies and continues to receive the vast majority of public and stakeholder support in Metro’s ongoing Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Metro expects to make a final decision on a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) in 2024, and we can’t afford to risk a route that bypasses major destinations and job centers or healthcare and cultural resources.
Let’s connect the dots, NOT bypass them and make sure Metro’s K Line connects more people to more places.
The video below from the City of West Hollywood highlights what’s at stake. (Note: the K Line was previously known as the Crenshaw/LAX Line).